Ivan Crnojevic's Monument
In 1983, on the occasion of the celebration of the five hundredth anniversary of Cetinje, a monument to the founder of the city, Zeta ruler Ivan Crnojević was erected on the plateau between the court of King Nikola and the building of the State Archives of Montenegro. Monument now represents one of the main stops for every tourist.
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City founder's statue
The monument represents a male figure, with strong arms, with a sword over his shoulder as a symbol of justice and a shield as a symbol of defence. It is the work of academic sculptor Anto Gržetić. Ivan Crnojević founded Cetinje at the end of the 15th century (1482 ). Fleeing from the invasion of the Turks, the ruler of Zeta, Ivan Crnojević, moved his throne from Žabljak Crnojević to Obod - R. Crnojević, and finally to Cetinjsko polje, where he built a palace and a monastery for himself. The town got its name from the river that flowed there, and it was called Cetina (until the 17th century).